In this two-day course, key account managers learn practical methods for successfully managing complex negotiations with their customers. They learn how to separate price arguments from customer needs and how to handle objections confidently. They also learn how to make the most of upselling and cross-selling potential for services and projects. A particular focus is on needs analysis and the targeted use of questioning techniques to effectively manage discussions. Participants benefit from negotiation tactics based on game theory.
The training includes preparation, exercises and practical role plays that are specifically tailored to the NTS sales type. During the exercises, participants receive valuable tips for a confident appearance and the targeted use of body language.
Die Teilnehmenden erwerben praxisnahe Kompetenzen zur erfolgreichen Steuerung komplexer Verhandlungen und zur Steigerung ihrer Abschlussquote.
Key Account Manager eines internationalen IT-Unternehmens.
Interne Veranstaltung für einen TELOS-Kunden – kein externer Besuch möglich. Gerne können Sie diese Veranstaltung in Ihrem Unternehmen anbieten. Fragen Sie uns unverbindlich:
Formatore e consulente aziendale per lo sviluppo del personale e dell'organizzazione
Mehr Infos zu Dott. Aldo MeniniGerne entwickeln wir für Ihre Kundenberater das maßgeschneiderte Weiterbildungsprogramm.
Mag. Magdalena Gasser
Institutsleitung, Personalentwicklung, Coaching